Saturday, November 24, 2007

Music Memories

Why don't I ever learn? Once I punch in my password, I should know that I will lose two hours of my life searching around iTunes listening to way too many 20 second segments. Should I buy this? Maybe I should listen to the same sample three times before I decide to plunk down $0.99?

I started this ordeal (oh I have to download a different version of iTunes too?) because I heard a song recently that brought back very random memories. If I mentioned the song, no one would ever make the same connection as I do whenever I hear it.

Last week, I was walking around The Grove. I was in Victoria's Secret - the place that is launching The Spice Girls album. The song Viva Forever came on and my mind went to this trip I took with my friend KP at these amazing lakes in Italy. Seriously? Spice Girls and Italian lakes?

It was a couple of years after college when I met up with KP for the trip. (KP lived across the hall from me during my junior year in London.) Over the years, I have forgotten a lot of the details of the trip (though not those killer mosquitoes that attacked my legs or that chance meeting with MZ in Milan which led to random dinners in Boston and The Netherlands!). But I remember hearing Viva Forever in our hotel rooms that summer.

It's so involuntary and so instantaneous. It's really a wonder how the mind makes these kinds of connections. How they stay in tact over years with all the other noise that is going on. It's a mystery.

Some things I try to remember...and I can't. I'll get up from the sofa and find myself in the kitchen with no idea what I needed in the first place! But if you put me in the supermarket and play Kokomo by the Beach Boys...I guarantee you that I will know most of the lyrics. And multiply that by the songs by Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam and Lionel Ritchie...

At least I have a new mix CD to show for all of my time today. I finally have The Last Kiss by Pearl Jam too. That story for another time.

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