Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Am I working for the Man?

I was a bit disappointed with the picket signs. No ad hoc signs…everyone had the same standard issue sign. Red and black…WGA on Strike. That’s it?

I grew up having to cross pro-life picket lines—to get to my orthodontist. You can imagine what I saw as an innocent with a shiny metal smile. Uh…no…my dad didn’t drop me off to get an abortion while he looks for parking…

I know the writers think they are fighting for their rights…but what about my right to a normal work week? Couldn’t they think about the poor finance people who have to run strike scenarios late into the night? As the clock ticked past 9pm, I was thinking…those bastards are the reason why I’m linking 80 million spreadsheets now and not on my resume!!!

Oh - and I’ll never get residual payments for my work…

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