Saturday, December 15, 2007

Why Am I Crying?

Granted it wasn't a long sobbing cry. A few tears hanging on to my eyelids for dear life...Don't roll down my cheeks!

I was sitting in my office talking to one of the few genuine people in my team. Just feeling a bit out of control. Sometimes it's tough to roll with the punches when you feel like everyone has a fast pass to the front of the line to make your life sucky.

What BH reminded me of at the time was that I am in control. He was right. In an instant, I felt better.

I have to keep my eyes on the prize (new job) and not get sucked into the drama where I work. It's funny that the new assistant who left a hair salon to work in a more professional corporate environment told me that she too feels like she's in high school. All I can say is that I'll graduate and the rest of them can stay in summer school all they want.

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