Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pomegranate and Dark Chocolate

In my quest to eat as much as possible before my midnight fast (doctor's orders for the annual checkup)...I discovered these new ice cream bars from Haagen Daazs. It's from there "reserve." Dunno what that the flavor combo going to go back into a vault for 5 years? Is this Disney?

I'm not sure if it's a marketing push that's created this pomegranate phenom. I see that fruit everywhere. I don't mind it one bit since I love it. I can't get enough of those little fruit juice seeds. They have a little burst of flavor every time you crunch down on them. A little tart and a little sweet.

The bigger question is why I just filled out a Facebook profile. I probably have profiles on MySpace and other sites b/c some friend invited me to their network. But why do I sign up when I have no intention of ever really using it. Maybe I'm too old to take advantage of this whole new world on the web. I'm pretty much an email and yahoo maps girl. I can't keep track of all of my login IDs and PWs. Stop the madness!

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