Sunday, December 16, 2007


When I was at the video store today, I made a quick stop at the Ralphs next door.

Rent Waitress...but DO NOT rent The Nanny Diaries. Just trust me...especially on the latter.

While I was in the checkout line, my eye wandered around to the battery kiosk. OH MY GOD. I need AA batteries!

This may not seem like anything interesting, but I was standing there wondering why it took me 2 months to buy the batteries. Somehow it was ok for me to sit and rotate the dying batteries in my remote to get the VERY LAST bit of juice from them. I had to press buttons 4-5 times before anything would register. I would fast forward and then rewind then fast was kind of a nightmare watching tv with a remote without fresh batteries...yet I did it.

I came home and couldn't put down the remote. It was whole new world. Things happen when I push buttons! I get the channel I want. I can stop the dvr when I want!

It's weird how you can go through life and not make changes that would make things easier. I find that I'll just deal with the frustration b/c it's not a big enough deal to take action if it requires going out of your way. But then when you finally make the's like...why didn't I do this sooner? I wonder how many other things I'm doing that would fall into this category...

It doesn't take much to make me happy sometimes. :)

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