Monday, February 4, 2008

The Griffin - Atwater Village

After a day of work and some manual labor (did I sign up to double as an office mover?), I agreed to head out for a drink with TW. I always thought she was cool, but I could never tell if she was someone I'd hang out with outside of work. She did show questionable taste liking "the one I don't like" at work....

The Griffin is this cool little hangout with a fireplace and lots of good seating inside. They even have a juke box. I was pleasantly surprised by the fun songs people chose to play. I'm pretty sure I had some of them on 45.

Let's not forget about the guy who needed our "opinion" on whether he should go on some reality show to find out who his secret admirer is...does that line ever work for him?

After 4 cocktails, I can't remember much of what I told TW. I just hope that I didn't stab myself in the foot by blurting out my true feelings about the "team." Sartre was not kidding when he said that hell is other people...

A friend told me recently that I should feel better because now I know someone else hates it too. But just because I'm starving and I find out someone else is starving, it doesn't erase the fact that I'm starving. And that's not cool, right? Then again, I guess I shouldn't be talking about starving people because there are real people who are starving...but you get my point.

Although this job has driven me to have a cocktail every now and then, it's opened my eyes to the fun of drinking. :)

It's at 10AM?!

Three phone screens? Is that really necessary before having me run down the aisle at The Price Is Right? I'm only subjecting myself to this torture because they are Google...

And I want to tell them if they don't love me, it's ok to cut the cord. No point in dragging things out if they don't see a future for the two of us. You aren't going to bring me home to meet the parents, are you? Just tell me it's over so I can go find a new bay area love / employer. :)

I felt like I was back in college again. That first exam I had in Child Study 101. I stayed up all night cramming for a real college exam. I was going to rock it.

And then I woke up with that dreaded feeling where you know you totally overslept, but you have that split second of belief that you might be wrong.

Then you look at the clock...and you realize it's all over.

That same dread came over me this past Friday right after I picked up the phone at work. I had strolled in after grabbing coffee with a friend. I figured I had an hour to prepare for the interview. Run over my "story." I needed the pick-me-up since I forced myself to get up at 4am to listen to the earnings call the day before.

Hi, this is L.

Hi, this is C.

OH...I thought we were talking later at 11am....

No, I had it on my calendar for 10am. I would move it back, but I have a meeting.

Uh, ok. Well, I guess I won't have my last minute cram session. I'm ready to talk now if you are free...

Things sort of went up and down from there. I didn't really remember my name. I mumbled through my "interpretation" of their business model. That is, I threw out random terms hoping that one of them would make it seem like I knew something...and I actually just didn't come across that way.

I wonder if it was as good for him as it was for me?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rebecca De Mornay

I managed to sneak out of work on Wednesday to attend the LA Arts show with GB. When a friend says free snacks, I will drive in the rain from Burbank to the west side during commute hours.

After parking in Siberia in the name of satellite parking at the event, we managed to squeeze into the shuttle bus. As we strolled up to the front of the big white tent, we saw William Shatner leaving!

Ok...where are the snacks?

Throughout the evening, we had a chance to see some interesting pieces. I must admit, I can't even imagine being so well off that buying a $48K picture of Angelina Jolie would classify as a sane idea. I will say that the Scott Richards pieces we saw were really interesting. They were constructed so that your mind and eyes processed different images. Very neat and different. Forget trying to "see" the dolphin in those pictures in the mall...

Rebecca was one of the highlights. She was TINY. I never saw legs that thin. And those legs were covered in thick denim! She looked great except for the fact that she almost ran into every painting she passed. Not because she was drunk but because I don't think she was walking on her own legs. The woman couldn't walk! Were her boots too high? Did she borrow Heather Mills' prosthetic? I didn't know what was going on...

Rod Stewart

SK was visiting this weekend from San Fran. Early on we were remembering when we were complete dorks - but happy carefree dorks - in high school. There is something comforting about being around someone who has known you through various stages in life...and chooses to associate with you despite all of it. :)

Although it's just an area filled with random rich folks and tourists, we decided brunch and some Sprinkles cupcakes were worth the trip to Beverly Hills.

As we were coming around the corner from the parking garage by Starbucks on Beverly Blvd., I noticed this really tall and pretty woman walking past me. I was trying to figure out why she seemed so familiar to me. And then I saw him...Rod Stewart!

I almost bruised SK's arm whipping her around to see him before she missed him. I'm sure she appreciated me screaming into her ear in a forceful whisper...As a good host, I must do what I can to ensure my visitors see celebrities when they visit me in LA.

I still have that 45 of that some from Legal Eagles (before Debra Winger went crazy). Why did I buy Love Touch again?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mochi and Pinkberry

I was at Century City on Friday afternoon...looking for a new suit for interviews I plan to have sometime in my life. Don't know which company or when...but it's positive thinking in motion.

After a stop at Ann Taylor where that bitch salesperson questioned my presence in the petite section...

"Are you looking for regular or petitie?"


Raised eyebrow and judging head turn...


Of course the sales people thought DG and I were the most disfunctional couple...
"Hurry up. I want to go eat."

"Ok, Ok. Stop yelling at me."

If only they knew our level of intimacy only went as far as discussing the frequency (or infrequency) or our BMs.

DG and I went to Pinkberry after the suit purchasing ordeal. When he offered me a taste, I saw these cute little bits of fun sitting on top of the original flavor treat.



Wait...I've never seen it sitting out there. How did you know you could get that?

Oh...they have it in back. It's not on the menu. You have to ask for it.

Now, I feel like I'm part of a secret society. I know of the mochi topping. And it's one that you want every time you get Pinkberry. Trust me.

Next time I go, I'm going to order an original with mochi. Hold the original.

Sometimes one discovery can make your day...

I Am Still Wet

Last weekend, I managed to convince DG and GB to go to Disneyland. Along for the ride was SH, DG's friend from work - one who had never been to the happiest place on earth. We all met up down in Anaheim ready for a day of fun. Not forced fun. Real fun.

Although I wanted to spend a good chunk of the day down there, I didn't realize the itinerary went from lunchtime to almost park closing time. Uh, ok. I guess I better eat some more Dole whip to keep me going all day.

Surprisingly, we managed to hit a lot of rides. We went on Space Mountain (where you might get decapitated in the dark), Indiana Jones (almost), Buzz Lightyear (for the competitive side of you), California Screamin', Soarin' over California (hmmm...smell that pine), the Orange vomit inducing swings, Tower of Terror, Thunder Mountain, and Small World (who said brainwashing wasn't fun?). Even better, we managed to polish off two bottles of wine at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen while learning that our waitress was almost a decade younger than us. (Oh, I was in 6th grade when the Macarena came out...)

Let's not forget that this was the night that I learned that I really do have man hands...

The one ride that brought the fun home was Splash Mountain. Who had the great idea of going on when it was cold and turning dark??? DG???? The one person with splash-resistant clothing??? Needless to say, we all came away drenched from that friggin' ride. I was walking around the park for hours with stiff jean legs...

And no...we are not going on Grizzly Run no matter how many beignets you offer me.

Even though it took about 48 hours to completely dry off from the adventure, I'm glad we braved the rapids. Isn't it more fun when things don't go exactly as planned?

Kate Hudson

In the beginning of much needed mid-week dinner break, my eye caught a glimpse of this hippie chick walking out of the restaurant. I was dining with some gal pals at Cafe Stella in Silverlake. A very cute French restaurant with an interestingly tangy onion soup.

Everyone was hovering over their cup of soup (yes, we each got an order) when I looked up to see the cute waif walk by. Without skipping a beat, I whispered to the table..

Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson

KATE HUDSON!'s always difficult being with people are more interested in food than celeb sightings.